
December 10th★

I want to buy a music player. There are so many new type that it is difficult to choose. Some music player is cheap but function is not good. Some music player is good function but expensive. What do you request? It depends on your purpose. There are music player which have a built-in SD card, but most people don’t use it. A few music players have a recording function on HDD. There are different recording times of HDD. There are many colors of music players. You can find the color which suits you. Music player are light and quality is so good. If you will buy expensive music player that you get quality is good. CD player is going out of fashion. Music player are many kinds color of and become smaller every year. Finally, I suggest you get PC. Now, you can get many songs into PC. So, you can put in songs into your music player. Really useful, isn’t it?
I think very useful !!!

2 件のコメント:

  1. Actually, I have a ipod classic kind of like that picture. That's great, so you should buy it :)

  2. You can put not only songs, but also English podcasts. Just ask kaos about how to find a good English podcast for listening practice!
